
Comparison to Celebration

December 3, 2023 • Dave D'Angelo • Exodus 20:17

We often think things will fill our lives, but covetousness only leads to emptiness. Coveting is the “gap of desire” between our reality and our expectation of reality. The longer we live in this gap, comparison and discontentment settle into our hearts. We start to distrust God and our hearts become disordered, which can lead to a toxic life. But what if we started to rejoice with those who rejoice? What if we celebrated others and practiced gratitude, regularly giving thanks to God? When it comes to celebration and rejoicing with others, our feelings first follow our obedience. God’s word leads to true abundance.

Power of Words

November 26, 2023 • John Reilly • Exodus 20:16, Proverbs 18:21, Matthew 12:34–37, Genesis 3:1–8, 1 John 1:9

Before we speak, our words start in our heart. God created us to have power in our words because we were made in His image. God’s words are full of power, goodness, and life. We are willing to bear falsehood to hide from God and to try to control how others see us. We are afraid that we are the only ones who struggle with sin. Our words can bring healing into our lives if we’re willing to stand before God to confess our sins and thank Him for His mercy, grace, and faithfulness.

Buried Blessings

November 19, 2023 • Paul Hunter • Malachi 3:7–10, Exodus 20:15, Matthew 25:14–30, Luke 12:32–34, Haggai 1:2–6

We feel entitled to our time, talents, and money. We often think that we aren’t stealing because it’s our own. However, it was never ours to begin with. When it comes to stealing, we are confused about ownership, and we use our resources on ourselves. Because our view of God is distorted, we hoard our abundance. Our blessings are buried and we mismanage what God has given us. God calls us to live below our means in all areas of life so we may be a generous light and example of His generosity to others.

Faithful Marriage: More Than Good Intentions

November 12, 2023 • Dave D'Angelo • Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27–28, Matthew 6:22–23, Matthew 5:29–30, Galatians 5:19–21

Good intentions don’t determine our destination. The path we are walking on does. God deeply values marriage. When adultery occurs in a marriage, it betrays the emotional, physical, and psychological bond of oneness that a husband and wife are meant to share. Lust lies at the root of adultery and causes us to treat other people with contempt, not as valuable human beings but as objects. A turnaround in marriages is more about good intentions. It’s about changing the direction, taking steps, and serving one another repeatedly, just as Jesus serves us.