
Leave God Out Of It

Genesis 19:1-29

January 9, 2022 • Dr. Delman Coates • Genesis 19:1–29

There are many different types of malpractice; medical malpractice, legal malpractice. There’s even malpractice for engineers if they provide mathematical and structural recommendations that result in building being built with faulty foundations, and walls that cause harm and death. When an error occurs due to negligence, or when a mistake occurs that could have otherwise been avoided, the practitioner is guilty of malpractice. And while malpractice cases can be brought against people in various professions, there’s unfortunately no such option when it comes to the spiritual malpractices that occurs in pulpits all across America. Tragically, there is no theological analogue of the Hippocratic Oath that preachers and those who claim to represent God have to take, which is unfortunate because millions of people past and prevents have been hurt, harmed, and injured by the toxic theologies and poisonous preaching that is promulgated in pulpits, television programs, and in Christian publications all around the world. So in today’s message we are going to look at the dangers of theological malpractice and discuss how to avoid misusing Scripture in our day-to-day lives.

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

April 14, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • Matthew 5:14–16

Light is the first entity that God created. This suggests that the darkness we are in should not cause us to feel resigned to futility; it should not cause us to throw up our hands in surrender. For when things are at their darkest, God is just starting to move. When things are at their worst, God is just beginning to turn things around. We can trust that there is something on the other side of darkness, and what’s on the other side is going to be better, brighter, and bigger than what existed before. 

I'm Salty

April 7, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • Matthew 5:13

When Jesus called His followers “salt,” He actually bestowed upon us a badge of honor. He was giving them then and us now a sense of our identity, purpose, and function in the Kingdom. He was saying that when people ask who you are as a believer, you should be able to tell them, “I’m salty.” Being salty is not something bad, it’s something good. When we’re salty, we’re living the way Jesus commanded us to in His Word. But how do you know if you’re living a salty life? Well, that’s what we’re going to look at in this message. 

The Greatest Comeback Of All Time

March 31, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • John 20:1–10

Jesus Christ orchestrated the greatest comeback in the history of the world. And there is no event in history more memorable and none more life-changing. And as we read the story of His comeback, we can learn so much about what it will take for Him to help us with the comeback we’ve been waiting for in our own lives. So in light of that, we are going to look at three things that need to happen if we want to experience a God-sized comeback.