
There's Plenty of Good Room

May 19, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • John 10:16

God is preparing a feast, and whether we like it or not, God reserves the right as the host, and convener, and furthermore, as the one who has paid the price to invite whoever He desires to sit down at His table. None of us has a say in who God invites to His table. In fact, when we get to heaven, many of us will be surprised by who we see there. There will be some we thought would make it who won’t be there, and others we didn’t think would who’ll be sitting right there. And that’s because God and God alone can invite whomever He chooses to have access to the Kingdom. John 3:16 reminds us that an eternal life spent with Jesus is available to WHOSOEVER believes in Him. May we never forget that. 

It Hurt Me, But It Helped Me

June 2, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • Matthew 26:21–25, Matthew 26:47–50, Matthew 26:14–16

When we consider what the Gospels tell us about Judas and Jesus, I think God is trying to tell us something about life and about people so that we can find a way to heal not if we get hurt, but when. I think Jesus selected Judas to be a disciple to let us know that life does not always deliver perfect circumstances to our door, but we can still be helped by those imperfect circumstances. 

I'm Going All The Way

May 26, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • Luke 9:51–56

When I think of distractions, I think about speed bumps. We really don’t like them when we encounter them because, quite often, we want to hurry up and get where we want to go. Sometimes, we become frustrated because they’re in our path, but they are there for a purpose. They are there to help us slow down and remind us of where we are in that moment so we can proceed without causing harm to ourselves and problems for others. The speed bump is not there to keep us from reaching our destination. It’s only there to help us manage distractions while en route to where we’re going. And no one handles distractions better than Jesus. He was able to avoid being derailed by temptations and distracted by life’s pressures, and He shows us in Scripture what we can do to stay focused in the midst of so many distractions.

I Ain't Never Scared

May 12, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • Romans 8:31–39

Over and over again in Scripture, we are told “Do not fear.” I think the Lord knew how often we would need this reminder considering all that we face during our lives on this earth that could cause us to be afraid. However, because we have a relationship with Almighty God, we don’t have to fear, because He has made us more than conquerors. In today’s key text, we are given advice on how to approach life with fearless faith. Let’s dive in together.