
I'm Changing My Mind

February 4, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • 2 Corinthians 7:1

Each one of us sees life through our own unique lens, a set of assumptions and expectations that govern how we see ourselves, our lives, and the situations around us. It’s that mindset, according to research, that plays a significant role in determining life’s outcomes. With this in mind, I want to suggest that an unhealthy, ungodly, unholy, and unproductive mindset can adversely affect our lives. The solution according to today’s key text is to rid ourselves of any thought, any belief, any perspective, or any philosophy that does not line up with God’s will for our lives. But how do we do that? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in today’s message.

It Is Well With My Soul

May 5, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • 3 John 1–3

If you listen to many Christian preachers, the impression is given that if you can just come up with the right formula in prayer, God will grant you the blessing you want and the health and healing that you need. And while I certainly believe in healing, I do not believe that God’s divine healing ought to be the starting point for thinking about a healthy lifestyle. To optimize good health and to live the abundant life that Christ offers, we must practice what we pray for. After Jesus forgave, freed, or healed the woman caught in adultery, He told her to go and not keep doing what she had been doing. The same is true for us if we want to be healthy, if we want to be well. So how do we get well? That’s what we’re going to dive into today.

Living and Leaving A Legacy of Wealth

April 28, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • 2 Kings 4:1–7

Managing your money well is no small task. It is easier than ever to find yourself in debt these days, leaving you not just struggling financially in the present, but also struggling with leaving a strong financial legacy. In today’s message, we’re going to learn from our key text four steps we can take so that we can live and leave a legacy of wealth and avoid financial downfall.

It's Paid In Full

April 21, 2024 • Dr. Delman Coates • Luke 7:36–50

Every child of God needs to know and needs to hear that they are forgiven, for when you come into fellowship and communion with Jesus, and begin cultivating and nurturing your relationship with Him, the Lord’s forgiveness means that no matter what you have done, no matter how horrible your past, and regardless of your moral transcript and profile, the good news today is that “you are forgiven.” You are officially pardoned from your past, and the devil and no one else can hold you hostage to what you’ve done. From today’s text, we’re going to see Mary Magdalene show us what it looks like to walk in that assurance.