
Don't Blame It On The Alcohol

Genesis 19:30-36

January 23, 2022 • Dr. Delman Coates • Genesis 19:30–36

Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior are not immune from the pressures of life weighing on our minds and spirits. Even people of faith are seeing increases in anxiety, fear, and depression. Perhaps you have gone through phases of life that have caused these emotions. Maybe you are going through a time like that right now. Just because you are a follower of Christ, does not mean you are expected to have it all together. It does not mean that you will never worry or fear things in this life. But the difference is, you have immediate access to a God ready and willing to relieve that fear. So if you’re wanting to be relieved of these feelings and emotions you’re struggling with, here are some steps you can consider taking.