
Shake Awake the Sleeping Heart

S2 E46

November 14, 2021

#204-319 Shake Awake the Sleeping Heart Chris Aaron Rice Where is Christ’s light in the darkness we see all around us today? Join Pastor Chris Aaron Rice as he discusses the state of our communities today, and how the Church needs to step up and make a difference. #Awake, #SleepingHeart, #Joel2:12-14, #ReturntoMe, #Return, #TheChurch, #Awakening, #Galatians5:16-24, #TemperanceMovement, #EmancipationofWomen, #ChristsianEducation, #HolySpirit, #IJohn3:21-24, #Matthew28:18-20, #Revival, #HolySpirit, #GreatRevival

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