
The Fruit of the Spirit

Self Control

June 9, 2024 • Matt Slocum

This week we focus on the fruit self-control. This can be difficult for most of us to embrace because resisting temptation and self-denial can bring us to places of extreme suffering. But in suffering we get to encounter God in ways that we never would have. When we are in the midst of personal struggles and the battle is raging around and within us, we discover that the power and strength of God is more than enough to see us through. If you are facing a battle of temptation such as addiction, purity, identity, relationships, destructive behavior, etc., Pastor Matt's message will show you God is with you and He has the victory for you. #NWCKC #NewWineChurch #FruitoftheSpirit #Selfcontrol #Godiswithus #VictoryinChrist


June 2, 2024 • Ryan Finney • Philippians 2:1–5, Romans 12:9–16, Ephesians 4:1–6

This week in our Fruit of the Spirit series, Ryan Finney, explores humility as the essence of goodness and how humility unlocks the path to loving and serving others selflessly. At New Wine Church, we have a saying: "If it's not different, it's not kingdom." While the world emphasizes self-importance and personal feelings, the Kingdom puts others above self. To walk in humility is to walk in love of God and others. #NWCKC #NewWineChurch #FruitOfTheSpirit #Jesus #Goodness #Gentleness #Humility


May 26, 2024 • Grant Braaten • Hebrews 2:17—3:7

This week in our Fruit of the Spirit series, Pastor Grant explores the theme of Faithfulness through the story of Moses. Despite moments when Moses seemed to lose faith, God's unwavering faithfulness remained constant. Our comfort lies in the unchanging nature of God, and as we seek Him, He nurtures and grows faithfulness within us which is then reproduced from us. #NWCKC #newwinechurchkc #goodandfaithfulservant #faithfulness #Jesus #fruitofthespirit


May 19, 2024 • Matt Slocum • Acts 2:14–18

Did you know the ability to hear God is for every follower of Christ? After all, you can't do what God is asking of you if you do not know how to discern His voice. Tune into this weeks message as Pastor Matt walks us through the 3 ways God speaks and offers practical ways to begin hearing the Lord. #Godspeaks #PentecostSunday #NewWineChurch #nwckc


May 12, 2024 • Matt Slocum • Exodus 34:6, Romans 2:4, 2 Corinthians 6:6

People pleasing, saying yes to everything others ask of you, and putting everyone before yourself may sound nice, but what if those traits are counter to the Fruit of the Spirit, Kindness? If kindness is from the Lord, then where does nice come from? This week Pastor Matt is challenging us to examine our motives through his message, Kindness.


May 5, 2024 • Matt Slocum • Galatians 5:22–25

This week in our Fruit of the Spirit series, Pastor Matt looks at the fruit patience. We often think of it as being patient with others, but what about when we are waiting on the Lord? Do you struggle with spending time in waiting for the Lord to show up? If so, this message is going to bless you as Pastor Matt walks you through how he waits, and what he is waiting for, in this weeks message, "Great-Heartedness".


April 28, 2024 • Kim May • Mark 4:35–41

In the midst of suffering is it possible to experience peace? In week 3, of our Fruit of the Spirit series, Pastor Kim May shows how peace is possible even in depression, anxiety, and fear, but there is a condition to receive it. Jesus told his disciples, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." If you are facing a difficult situation or often feel anxious, watch this week's message, and let the Prince of Peace fill you with His peace.


April 21, 2024 • Grant Braaten • 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Revelation 19:7, Philippians 4:4

This week Pastor Grant looks at the Fruit of the Spirit, Joy. If you are lacking in joy, or feel like you have lost your joy, this weeks message uncovers the key to receiving joy. When you are positioned to receive joy, you are able to have joy no matter what your circumstance.


April 14, 2024 • Matt Slocum • 1 Corinthians 13:1–8

In week 2 of our Fruit of the Spirit series, Pastor Matt looks at Love. He explains how the biblical writers defined love based on the works and words of Jesus. This love is not like human love--Jesus shaped love is not permissive or conditional. It is absolute and true to scripture. This message will help you understand what it means to walk in biblical love.

The 2 Seeds

April 7, 2024 • Ryan Finney • Galatians 5:16–24

Today's message simply was amazing as we kicked off our Fruit of the Spirit sermon series! Ryan Finney brought us an incredible message titled "2 Seeds," diving deep into what it means to be led by the flesh or by the spirit. As we embark on this journey together, let's open our hearts and minds to the wisdom and guidance of the Spirit. Join us in discovering the transformative power of walking in step with the Holy Spirit.