
Pastor Peter's Video Update

March 22, 2024

Palm Sunday Worship Gathering - 10am EDT

"I AM...the Good Shepherd"

We begin our Holy Week journey as we walk with Jesus into Jerusalem as we cry "Hosanna" - save now!

Our Lenten Word Cloud continues to be populated with words from the daily Lenten devotions!

Dive into the daily devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Keep sending the words that are sparked by each day's reading. (Text Peter at 817-992-1708)

Lenten Challenge: How would you summarize the Gospel in seven words? Send your seven words to Pastor Peter and he will share some of these during Holy Week.

Holy Week Worship Gatherings

Palm Sunday (March 24) - 10:00am

Maundy Thursday (March 28) - 6:30pm

Good Friday (March 29) - 6:30pm

Easter Sunday (March 31) - 10:00am

*Easter Brunch will follow our worship time