
Pastor Peter's Video Update

June 13, 2024

This Sunday we continue our new summer series "Still."

We will look at Psalm 1

Worship with Holy Communion

Sunday at 10am EDT

**A Bible Class will meet after Worship

This Sunday's Scripture Readings

Psalm 1

Mark 4:26-34

2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Interested in reading Scripture on a Sunday morning or helping with our technology team?

Reach out to Kerri (ministryassistant@newthing.live) or Peter (petercouser@newthing.live)

Small Group Huddles - coming this fall!

Dive into God’s Word and share life with others!

Would you be willing to facilitate a huddle with someone else?

Huddles will meet on Sunday after worship or at another time during the week.

More info coming in future weeks!

The Chosen - Seasons 1-3

Now available through the NewThing App!