
Pastor Peter's Video Update

July 19, 2024

This Sunday our summer series "Still” continues as we dive into Psalm 23.

Worship with Holy Communion

Sunday at 10am EDT

This Sunday's Scripture Readings

Psalm 23

Mark 6:30-44

Interested in reading Scripture on a Sunday morning or helping with our technology team?

Reach out to Kerri (ministryassistant@newthing.live) or Peter (petercouser@newthing.live)

Small Group Huddles - coming this fall!

Dive into God’s Word and share life with others!

Would you be willing to facilitate a huddle with someone else?

Huddles will meet on Sunday after worship or at another time during the week.

More info coming in future weeks!

The Chosen - Seasons 1-3

Now available through the NewThing App!