We are seated with Christ in heavenly places. We walk in love according to the Spirit. Now, we stand united and stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
We are called to walk in love according to the design of our Creator. We can submit all our desires to God and to one another out of reverence for Christ.
United in Forgiveness
June 18, 2023 • Lee McDerment
It can be difficult to forgive people, especially people you don't like. But by remembering how God in Christ forgave us, we can forgive one another as we pursue the uncommon unity of Christ.
The United Church
June 11, 2023 • Hykeng Paul
The Ephesian church was a beautiful mosaic of both Jews and Gentiles who were united through the cross. The same is true for our church today. Everyone, everywhere can overcome their divisions through a relationship with Jesus.