
Just Say No

June 10, 2018

Jesus modeled for us how to silence Satan: Know the Word of God. The Bible gives us access to Satan’s game plan, so we don’t have to get sucker-punched when Satan attacks our weak spots. Learn how to say, "No!" to Satan's schemes to insinuate, fascinate, and then assassinate us with his lies.

More from Hear No Evil

Jesus Jujitsu

June 3, 2018

Satan, a devil who has been defeated, is not our greatest enemy, our flesh is. There is a battle to fight, and, through Jesus, we have the power to win it. Many Christians meet Jesus and get saved, but then, they let life happen and play defense, but that's not how it was designed. We need to feed The Spirit and starve the flesh.

The Four Names of the Enemy

May 27, 2018 • Kaleb White

The enemy has four distinct names in the Bible. Each of them — Lucifer, Satan, devil, antichrist — offer clues to how the enemy lies and schemes against us. We can fight back by learning the specific blessings of God the enemy is attacking.

The Three Voices In Your Head

May 20, 2018 • Dan Lian

God’s voice in our lives is often drowned out by the voice of our flesh and the voice of satan. Discover the four ways you can turn down the noise and hear God more clearly every day.