
The Very Good News

January 10, 2021 • Dave Romoser

The most dramatic difference between the creation story of the Hebrew people and that of all the other creation stories to this day has to do with two very significant and paradigm shifting words... that were very good news for humankind

Generative Reciprocity

February 14, 2021 • Dave Romoser

Pastor Dave closes the series reminding us how God has wired all creation for flourishing and what humankind's role is in bringing about

Wage Peace - Pt 2

February 7, 2021 • Dave Romoser

A few years ago, a study was done having to do with how those outside the faith saw those who professed to be followers of Jesus. In a ranking of the top 7 ways the group perceived the church, the #1 category where they said the people of Jesus did not act like Jesus was this: the Church was judgmental. We know what Jesus taught... but do we understand the implications of choosing to ignore it

Wage Peace

January 31, 2021 • Dave Romoser

We are living in days of growing polarization and rising tension. While our world is more connected than at any time in human history, the divide between us, at every level, only deepens. What does shalom look like and how do we pursue it and reclaim hope?