
#AskPastor | Scripture and Summertime

June 1, 2022 • Pastor Marco Debarros, Pastor Elijah Griner


0:00 Intro
1:18 Can God forgive & bless a couple who had sex outside of marriage but want to change?
3:00 Advice for dating couples in the sense of sexuality and intimacy?
4:59 Can you explain "The sins of the fathers" and what that really means?
8:27 What are your thoughts on abortion? What does the Bible have to say about it?
13:08 What are "denominations?" What denomination is New Life South Coast?
16:49 Malachi 3:10 refers to man testing God. Aren't we supposed to never test God?
18:06 Did the Vatican remove 14 books from the Bible? Why? Why do we only have 66 in the Bible?
21:25 What do you personally wonder?
22:31 Get connected and send us your questions!