
A Divine Equation

10-10-21 | A Divine Equation Pt. 2

October 10, 2021 • Pastor Ken Cline

Everyone has a system for their life that feels right to them. People make choices according to a system of beliefs they hold, often focused on themselves and getting what they want. Jesus offers another way. All of nature points to a Creator with an organized plan. God’s plan is based on His truth which He revealed to us in His Word, the Bible. Over and over again, Scripture tells us that God’s truth is often different from what man thinks is right. Scripture warns us not to seek our own way, or even the opinions of others. Instead, we are to seek godly wisdom, using Scripture as a compass for our lives, orienting us to God’s truth and reordering our lives to align with His divine design. God’s goal for us is to transform our character into that which reflects the character of Jesus. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 tells us that this happens gradually over time. Just as He has dealt patiently and kindly with every generation, God gives us grace and guidance as we submit ourselves to His plan for our lives. Submission is the first step, but it is not a relinquishment of responsibility. 1 Peter 1:5-8 teaches us that we have a part to play in being changed into God’s likeness. God sends circumstances into our lives to test us and refine us. He also places us in structures like families and churches to reveal areas that need improvement and growth. When we choose our own way and rebel against God’s design for our lives, His response is always to correct us in love. But, if we submit ourselves to the process and desire to become more like Jesus, we will be blessed for our obedience in the life to come. God’s equation for spiritual growth never fails if we allow it to do the work.

10-3-21 | A Divine Equation Pt. 1

October 3, 2021 • Pastor Ken Cline

Have you ever heard of a Whelk shell? How about the Fibonacci Sequence? Yeah, me either. While neither of these things sound stunningly theological, you’ll find - as Pastor Ken teaches in this week’s message – that they are evidence of a divine order of things created by an unfathomable God. Romans 1:20 tells us that the attributes of God can be clearly perceived in nature. That means everywhere we look, we can see His awesomeness, power, order, and care that He used when creating all things. Unfortunately, mankind tends to dismiss the divine and tries to come up with explanations that fit into our tiny little brains. But just because something seems right to us, that doesn’t mean it is. Have you ever tried to fix something at home without consulting an expert? You might be pretty handy or maybe you just wanted to save money (or both) but as you tried to figure it out, you eventually decided on a fix that seemed perfectly feasible to you. Unfortunately, the next day, you found out that bubble gum is actually not the right material to fix a leaky pipe with. You then had to call on an expert to come fix it right. That’s how we can be with God. We try to do things or fix things or create things on our own as we see fit without consulting the Creator of the Universe who knows a thing or two about…well, everything! Let’s stop relying on ourselves (who God created) to make it through this world (which God created) and start relying on the expert.

10-17-21 | Divine Order Pt. 3

October 17, 2021 • Pastor Ken Cline

What is your main source? Where do you go to find answers, information, comfort? Do you read the news more than the Word? There’s a lot of noise in our lives right now. If your source is inviting anxiety and noise into your life, rather than reliving it, you need to change your sources. In this week’s sermon, the Divine Equation Part 3, Pastor Ken talks about God as our source and hearing Him over the noise. Matthew 4:4 tells us that man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. And when we hear God’s word and obey through the situations He gives us to practice, our character is transformed.