
December 12, 2021 | Countdown to Christmas Part 2

December 12, 2021 • Pastor Ken Cline

Today’s sermon was the beginning of the Christmas story in Luke 1.

The contrast was between the angel’s visit to Zechariah to tell him of the upcoming birth of John the Baptist; and the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary to tell of Jesus' upcoming birth. Zechariah reacts in disbelief because of his & Elizabeth’s advanced age. We sometimes do the same when we think God cannot work out something in our lives. In contrast, Mary is reverently fearful of the Lord, asks how it can come about since she is a virgin, and then readily accepts the plan. We must also remember what the angel tells Mary in Luke 1:37, “For nothing is impossible with God.”

The story continues when Mary visits Elizabeth and the baby within Elizabeth leaps when hearing Mary’s greeting. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, speaks of the child that Mary will have even though Elizabeth wouldn’t have known that naturally and Mary probably wasn’t showing any physical signs yet of her pregnancy. Likewise, often we have no physical signs of what God is going to do in our lives. He works supernaturally.

What makes you a Christian? Decorating a tree? Coming to church? Saying a prayer when you were too young to understand? If you aren’t a Christian, it is as if you were in a burning car that is about to explode. Should you say, “I’m good, I’ll figure it out”? Or should you turn to the person knocking on the window and get out and be saved? God came to earth as a baby so he could grow up to be a man who died for us to save us from ourselves.

Luke 1:50 says “His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.”