
Emotionally Healthy Kids

November 25, 2023
10:00am - 12:00pm

Attention parents! 📢 Is your child sometimes overwhelmed by their emotions? Do they struggle to express what they're feeling inside? We have the perfect solution! Introducing our Emotion Exploration Workshop tailored for children. Through engaging and interactive activities, your child will: *** Learn to recognize and name their emotions 🎭 *** Discover creative ways to communicate their feelings 🎨 *** Gain tools to navigate emotional ups and downs with grace 🌦️ Give your child the gift of emotional intelligence and watch them flourish in understanding and communication. 🌱 Secure your child's spot today and empower them with the skills they need for a brighter, emotionally balanced future. Please note that a Couples Communication Workshop is running at the same time as this one. If you're interested in booking your child into this course or want more information click on the link: Click here #EmotionExploration #KidsWorkshop #EmpowerTheFuture 🌟🚀