
A Blessing Of Peace

December 18, 2022 • Pastor Dale Jenkins

Listen to how people describe Christmas. This simple social experiment will provide you with interesting and valuable insight. In everyday conversations, people will describe their personal perspectives. To some, Christmas is busy, stressful, and chaotic. To others, Christmas is difficult, sad, and lonely. To others, Christmas is filled with wonder, peace, and joy. The truth is, the Christmas season can be all of these things and more, all at the same time!

This year, I want us to make a choice - that this Christmas season will be a blessing. It doesn’t mean it will be free from all forms of negativity. It means that we will keep choosing the blessing of Christmas over the burdens of it. This Christmas, we are choosing hope over despair, faith over fear, joy over sorrow, peace over stress, and light over darkness. We’re not pretending life is always easy; we are simply inviting the presence of God to help us rise above our present-day struggles into an increased gratitude for the greatest Christmas present ever given - Jesus Christ.