


July 22, 2021 • Steven Shelley

How can we come into the fullness of sonship and intimate relationship with the Father, calling Him ‘Abba Father! My Father!' just like Jesus did? How did He become our Example? How did He become ‘The Pattern Son'? A process of growing up and development had to take place in His life to become the First Perfect God-Man.”

If the same Spirit that was in Jesus is in us, we too must follow that process and grow up into full adoption. We can say, "If He could reach perfection, so can we by the same Spirit.”

More from 2021 Moments

We Are Eagles

December 30, 2021 • Steven Shelley

We are eagles, and we are believing God for great promises in our lives. But we have only begun to scratch the surface and only begun to believe Him for the fulness of the things He has in store for us. We’ve only caught a glimpse here and there, and a harvest will follow, then a short quick work will take us to the rapture.

Our Worst Enemy

December 23, 2021 • Steven Shelley

Often we become our own worst enemy when we allow Satan to use us as weapons against our own lives. Instead of laying our guilt and shame, our anger and jealousies, our offenses at the feet of Jesus, we continue to drag them like dead bodies on our back. Let the past be the past, put on the garment of praise, so you might become His righteousness.

What Do You Think?

December 16, 2021

Watch your thoughts they become your actions and your actions eventually become the way you walk out your destiny.