
You Have a Choice

2019 Campeeting

November 2, 2019 • Darren Kinzer

The Bride is on her way to the throne, but on Her way, She has to get the character of God. That character comes through trials & intense Moment & the choices we make.

We have been given a choice today, what will we choose? We must choose life, not death. We must choose to speak the Word & believe!

More from 2019 Events

One Way to True Worship

November 3, 2019 • Isiah Brooks

The one way to true worship has been provided by God. It is not your way, it is God's way & every man, woman, & child must go by God's provided way or you won't make it. God's way is a bloody way & in order to make it to Heaven you have to go through a mess, but God loves to clean up a mess! Through the Lamb, the Word, is the only way to enter into true worship.

Intense Moment

November 1, 2019 • Isiah Brooks

Before God can give us a real birth, we have to go through intense Moment! Our character is formed through the trials we go through. We cannot look at the waves of life, we have to keep our eyes on God. When the devil challenges you, he is challenging God & he cannot win! God's purposes will be fulfilled in you.

The Beginning & the End

October 31, 2019 • Darren Kinzer

We're going back to the beginning to get that fellowship like Enoch had. Enoch wasn't trying to get back to the Garden, he was trying to get back to the fellowship that was had in the Garden. We are going back to the beginning to get that fellowship with God that we would be taken up out of here like Enoch. We have to keep eating the Word & let the oil continue to burn in our lives. Our theophany is a Word body & so whenever we hear the Word we are hearing from our theophany body & it is calling to us. Before the Bride leaves here She will know where She came from, who She is, and where She's going.