
Enduring to the End

Week 2

January 14, 2024 • Josh Huisman • Zechariah 12:1–10, John 14:1–7, Matthew 24:3–14

Pastor Josh Huisman discusses the importance of understanding the End Times and the Biblical support for Jesus' return, emphasizing not to focus on fear but on the hope and command to spread the Gospel.

Cultural Signs

January 28, 2024 • Josh Huisman • Genesis 19:15–16, Luke 17:20–33, Romans 1:18–32, 2 Timothy 3:1–5

Pastor Josh Huisman examines the cultural shifts and moral relativism indicative of the times leading up to Christ's return. Anchored in Psalm 119:89, he compares the steadiness of God's word to a lighthouse, a fixed point of guidance amidst society's ever-changing moral compass. Pastor Josh draws parallels between today's societal norms and the days of Noah and Lot, emphasizing the importance of standing firm in faith as the world grows increasingly dismissive of divine authority.

Understanding the Nations

January 21, 2024 • Josh Huisman • Ezekiel 38, Revelation 19:11–21, Romans 16:12–16

Pastor Josh Huisman explores the topic of Armageddon, emphasizing the importance of understanding end-times prophecies from the Bible. he provides a detailed interpretation of the events leading up to and including the Battle of Armageddon, referencing scripture from Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation, and highlighting the role of various nations in this ultimate confrontation.

Understanding Israel

January 7, 2024 • Josh Huisman • Genesis 12:1–3

Pastor Josh Huisman delivers a sermon that emphasizes the importance of understanding Israel's biblical significance and its role in end-times prophecy, urging believers to spiritually prepare for the future.