July 7, 2024 • Bud Stanton
Living a Godly life can be difficult. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we always come up short. But there is hope! In spite of our unfaithfulness God is always Faithful, and He loves us with an Unfailing Love.
What happens when we neglect our relationships with those who are most important to us? Our spouse, our children, our families, even our friends... What happens when we neglect the most important relationship we have? We make the worst mistake ever, and we forget God?
Have you ever been stuck in traffic, or in the checkout line at the store? It can be extremely frustrating and even make us angry. What happens when we get stuck in our sin? Do we feel the same way? And how does God feel about it? Let's learn how we get unstuck from a perpetual cycle of sin, and what happens if we stay stuck vs. living a life of freedom.
The purpose of living a life of faithfulness is first and foremost about honoring God, and it’s not necessarily about the blessings he has for our own lives. While that’s good, it’s more about the people he wants us to reach. When we live a life of faithfulness to Him we become more like him and have his heart. Our purpose, like Hosea, is to reach people for God.