
Greater Blood

Hebrews 9:15-22

May 12, 2024 • Will Basham • Hebrews 9:15–22

"It Is Finished" is our sermon series through Hebrews. "Greater Blood" is the nineteenth sermon in this series. Blood is a necessity for the forgiveness of sin. But why is blood necessary? Our sin is so severe in the eyes of a holy God that the penalty is his wrath. Therefore, a sacrifice is necessary if we will ever have access to a relationship with God. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at hello@newheightswv.com, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

Greatest Of All Time

May 26, 2024 • Will Basham • Hebrews 10:11–18

"It Is Finished" is our sermon series through Hebrews. "Greatest Of All Time" is the twenty-first sermon in this series. The theological arguments from the book of Hebrews reach a climactic conclusion in chapter ten as Christ’s sacrifice is presented as final. Christ sits down after offering himself as atonement for sins and perfects his elect spiritually as he sanctifies them practically. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at http://hello@newheightswv.com/, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

A Greater Sacrifice

May 19, 2024 • Will Basham • Hebrews 9:23—10:10

"It Is Finished" is our sermon series through Hebrews. "A Greater Sacrifice" is the twentieth sermon in this series. The sacrifice of the body of Jesus gives rise to the body of Christ—the redeemed saints who hope in him. The repeated sacrifices of the Old Covenant could never satisfy God’s wrath; they could only temporarily withhold it. But Christ’s greater sacrifice would satisfy and redeem eternally. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at http://hello@newheightswv.com/, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!

A Glimpse of Something Greater

May 5, 2024 • Stephen Wray • Hebrews 9:1–14

"It Is Finished" is our sermon series through Hebrews. "A Glimpse of Something Greater" is the eighteenth sermon in this series. The Old Covenant was always designed by God to be a shadow of heavenly things and a primer for the New Covenant. The tabernacle (and eventually the temple) had very intentional elements in their design as well as their contents that were meant to point all people and all nations to Christ. If you made the decision to trust Jesus, or God challenged you in a specific way during this sermon, please let us know by contacting us at http://hello@newheightswv.com/, so that we can celebrate and pray with you!