
Everyone Must Repent!

Romans 2

November 24, 2019 • Pastor David Gidcumb

Pastor David continues his Fearless Faith series into Romans 2 where we learn that it's not just the godless who needs to repent, but the religious person as well, which means EVERYONE must come to repentance!

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Normal Christianity

March 22, 2020 • Pastor Noah Schlag

Pastor Noah continues our series through the book of Romans. Romans chapter 7 presents a powerful picture of what all believers face in everyday life.

Slaves to Righteousness

March 15, 2020 • Pastor David Gidcumb

Pastor David continues our series through Romans with Romans 6:15-23. Whoever you obey is the one to which you're enslaved. To whom or what are you enslaved?

What Shall We Say?

March 8, 2020 • Pastor Noah Schlag

Pastor Noah lead us through Romans chapter 6 where Paul opens a discussion about how we should live in light of God's grace.