
Welcome 2021 Monday January 4

January 4, 2021 • Pastor Joe Sabolick

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021!

like most of us, you may have faced difficulties and challenges this past year that you're more than happy to put behind you. More than ever, you welcome God's invitation to "forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland" (Isaiah 43:18--19). This new year presents new opportunities, new reasons to give thanks to God, and new opportunities to serve Him.

We all had negative things happen to us in 2020. The pandemic brought changes and disruptions that no one saw coming. It's easy to go through life carrying offenses, trapped in self-pity, blaming ourselves and others. Because we're always looking back, reliving the negative, we end up carrying around emotional baggage that weighs us down. One of the best things you can learn to do is drop it. Whether it happened twenty years ago or twenty minutes ago, don't carry negative baggage from 2020 into 2021. Now do your part and let it go.

Is there something you need to leave behind? A hurt, a bad attitude, an area that you're compromising in?
Don't bring that into the new year.
Don't let them continue to hurt you by always thinking about them. As long as you're dwelling on the past, you're going to miss "the new things" God wants to do.
Say good-bye to failure; this is a new day. Say good-bye to guilt; you're forgiven. Say good-bye to what didn't work out; God has something better. Make the resolution that says, "I am not getting stuck on what held me back in 2020. I know God has a new section in my life for me in 2021--a section filled with blessings, favor, and victory!

You need to be looking forward to new beginnings. God's plan is to increase you, open new doors before you, and take you places that you've never imagined. He has something big in store for this year. He's already planned out big breaks, big opportunities, and big ideas for you. He is doing a new thing!

2021 is your year to rise up higher in your relationships, health, finances, and most of all, in your walk with God. As you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. Receive it by faith and declare, "Yes, God, this is for me today. I know You're a big God, and You have something new coming my way in 2021!
Love in His Grace, Pastor Joe