
Over And Over Again

Worship Wednesday

September 30, 2020 • Pastor Joe Sabolick

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need....
You may have some setbacks, bad breaks, injustice, but don't worry, it's only temporary. It's just a detour on the way to your destiny. That's a sign that you are moving toward your finish line. The enemy doesn't fight people that are going the wrong way. People that are off course, discouraged, distracted, bitter, angry, that's where he wants you.
He comes against people that are headed toward the fullness of their destinies, people that are taking new ground, people like you that are coming our attitude should be, "I have a made up mind. I'm going to keep moving forward in spite of the bad break, in spite of the loss, in spite of the negative report, in spite of the critics. My destiny is too great, my assignment too important to get discouraged, distracted, bitter. I'm not going to become half, I'm going to become all God's created me to be".

When you're tempted to get discouraged and settle, it's because you're close to your breakthrough. You're close to seeing the problem turn around. You're close to meeting the right person. Pharaoh is about to call you, so to speak. The good break is on the way. The healing is on the way. The contract is on the way. Now, you've got to tap into this powerful grace.

You've come too far to stop now. You believed too long. You've worked too hard. You've invested too much. It may be difficult, negative voices may be telling you, "Hey, it's never going to work out. Forget it, just settle where you are". But don't believe those lies. You are close to your destiny, and when the going gets tough, you have to dig your heels in and say, "I am in it to win it. I am not moved by this opposition. I am not moved by what I see, by what I feel. I'm moved by what I know, and I know this, I have the grace to cary on. I know this, God began a good work in me, and He's going to complete it. So, I'm going to keep honoring God, I'm going to keep being good to people, I'm going to keep on being my best". "I am a Child Of The King".
Love in His Grace, Pastor Joe.
May this Song, "Over And Over Again" minister to you in Jesus Name!