
'His Story' A Testimony

Eastern Cape Equip 2022

Kirk Slow

Kirk, from Canada, shares the story of all that God has done as they stepped out from South Africa, moved to Canada to plant a church.


Tyrone Daniel

Tyrone speaks to the real need for our work to be more effective, not based on our greatest efforts, but upon the power of God, the Word and His Spirit.

In My Weakness Grant Crawford

October 7, 2022 • Grant Crawford • 2 Corinthians 12:9

Grant speaks to the very real truth that none of us are perfect and we most often learn from our mistakes and failures, rather than our successes. As Paul says of God, "My power is made perfect in weakness".

Taking Action

October 6, 2022 • Marcus Herbert

Marcus challenges us to be a people of conviction, willing to live and die for the Gospel, referring to Jonathan, David's son.