Passage: 3:18-4:1
The greatest "cuss word" in our culture is the S word... as in SUBMIT! Nobody wants to follow anybody else. We are all "jockeying for positions of leadership and authority." But what happens when we get there? The key to leadership is not the power but in the ability to serve. Listen and learn how to be in authority like Jesus our Master, and under authority like Jesus our Servant.
What's On The Outside?
August 13, 2023 • Ethan Mitchell
Passage: Colossians 3:12-17
Being like Christ has this great (and true) assumption that it begins with our heart and our relationship with Jesus. Last week we learned that the "BEING" begins on the inside! But it doesn't stop there... If I’m going to Be Like Christ then I have to Love like Christ. The good news is that the apostle Paul doesn't leave us with just an idea... he gives us 5 practical steps to getting there! Listen and learn about the "Doing behind the Being!"
What's On The Inside?
August 6, 2023 • Ken Mitchell
Passage: Colossians 3:1-11
The great frustration as a Christian isn’t that they know Jesus is in them. The great frustration is once I become a Christian what do I do about the sin thing? If Christ is in me… Why am I still blowing it!? What’s broke? Why do I still go back to the same sins I had before I knew Christ? What’s broken? The apostle Paul in chapter 3 gives us a great truth we often forget to help us encounter that "sin thing!"
Counterfeit Christian
July 30, 2023 • Ethan Mitchell
Passage: Colossians 2:16-23
There are 3 counterfeits to Christianity that Paul not so tenderly blows up: lawmaking legalism, hippie mysticism, and minimalist asceticism. Too often, religious error takes itself too seriously, and God not seriously enough. Listen and learn why Jesus Christ as better than our silly pursuits at filling the gap between us and God with morality, spirituality, or suffering.
This is NOT Christ
July 23, 2023 • Ken Mitchell
Passage: Colossians 2:8-15
Religion is seductive. There is a religion that meets the needs of everyone's sin driven appetites. Religion will appease to how you think. It will appease the dark side of your heart. It will suggest the things you want to do… are actually ok! You deserve them. And there are religions that will argue with sound values of why you can do what you want to do. Listen in and hear why the Apostle Paul warns us that is is equally import to know who Christ is NOT as it is to know who he is.
All I Need
July 16, 2023 • Jesse Champers
Passage: Colossians 2:1-7
Blurb: The most debated topic in the world is about Jesus Christ. Who he is and what he has done. Jesus is the #1 cuss word throughout the world, He's the #1 choice of cults, He's the #1 choice of misrepresentation. Our view Jesus today will impact our tomorrow… because of who he claimed to be and what he claimed to do! Listen in to this message and learn why all of Jesus is all I need.
The Benefits of NOT Being First
July 9, 2023 • Ken Mitchell, Ethan Mitchell
Passage: Colossians 1:15-29
Blurb: The knowledge of God is like the ocean and our knowledge of God is like a Coke bottle filled with ocean water. Too ofter we ignore all the power of God at our disposal because we are content with our bottle being half full. But when we stop a begin to ponder the reason Jesus came to this earth was specially so that we could know God in a much greater way... transformation and revival begins! The apostle Paul reiterates this great mystery when he explains why we only benefit when we make Christ preeminent!
Why Second is More Important than First
June 25, 2023 • Ken Mitchell
The hardest/easiest discipline mentioned in the Bible is prayer. It's essentially and simply "talking to God." And in that conversation comes an amazing humble step... "being second"... that is the secret to life and will unlock why God created you in the first place!
Passage: Colossians 1:9-12
Growing Takes Following
June 18, 2023 • Ken Mitchell
Growing always takes following: Following those who teach us. Follow those who counsel us. Following those who have wisdom. The apostle Paul reminds us WHY the greatest leader to follow is Jesus. And when you do, HE reveals what's most important: Who we truly are in Christ and what it takes to become more like HIM!!