
This Christmas


December 17, 2023 • Ken Mitchell

The Brits say "Happy Christmas!," in Mexico you say "Feliz Navidad" & in America you say "Merry Christmas". And while this season definitely can bring happiness and a merry heart, what most people are really looking for is that sustained feeling of when hope and peace come together in you one's heart. EVERYONE calls that moment JOY!! Listen in as we share the secret of how we all might experience a "Joyful Christmas" this year.


December 10, 2023 • Ethan Mitchell

Peace... seems like everyone wants it but nobody has it! For the most part, there is an absence of peace all around us. Uncertainty, financial fear & people hating on each other are everywhere as we look in the increasingly unpredictable society we live in. The amazing truth is that this angst has always existed in the world with seemingly no great answer... UNTIL... an angel appeared to a Savior and proclaimed, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Listen in as we learn why there is only one true Person that can really bring us peace.  


December 3, 2023 • Bill Borland

On December 25th, we are reminded of the most important event in history, the birth of Jesus Christ. Even though society does its best to remove any reminders of His birthday. We instead, cloud them with traditions, parties, or gifts. We diminish the purpose of Christmas with fillers rather than fulfilling them with the most important point of it all, the birth of our Savior. This Christmas, let’s shift our focus from the conventional standards of what we believe Christmas should be like, and refocus on the gift that was given to us, that will forever change the importance of This Christmas.