
Who We Are

Sept '19

Easy Over Difficult

September 29, 2019 • Ken Mitchell

In being a Christian... Jesus isn’t looking for us to make right statements but rather looking for us to just take the next step. But over the centuries the church like to add to Jesus’s “easy steps”! Jesus says “Believe!“... but we say “Believe with an asterisk*!” Jesus says “Follow me”... but we say “Before you do that...” Jesus says “My requirements as easy”... but we say “there are lots of hoops!” At New Community we value “Easy over Difficult,” because we believe God wanted to make our path to follow him as easy as possible... including the path to being like him!

We Over Me

September 22, 2019 • Ken Mitchell

The "Seattle Freeze" is real! How did we get there and how do we thaw to become real again? Only one thing can break through the loneliness, isolation and individualism that so dominates our region... community! Coming together teaches us that anything worth doing is worth doing together.

Grow Over Know

September 15, 2019 • Ken Mitchell

We are called to be "doers of the word" but reality we like to be "hearers" instead! We've been raised in an "arm chair quarterbacking" culture where learning is enough. Jesus and the writers of the New Testament actually had a contrarian opinion... do something! Because in God's world what we DO with what we believe is what really matters most.

Real over "Right-ness"

September 8, 2019 • Ken Mitchell

Jesus could have been the greatest religious guy ever but instead he was the greatest teacher of relationships ever. Simply stated, Jesus prioritized people over a religious "to do" list. Here at New Community we want to do the same! We believe how we treat you says even more than what we know.

Jesus over Self

September 1, 2019 • Bill Borland

For early Christians it seemed like they were able to put Jesus was over self. How could this be when they didn’t see the promises of God yet fulfilled? How can we have the kind of faith that keeps Jesus over our own self interest.