
The Heart of The Matter

Part 5

May 5, 2024 • Ethan Mitchell

In order for us to understand God, he gives us a lot of word pictures in the Bible about who He is and what He came to do for us. God calls himself "Father" and those who believe in His Son... "Children." Jesus is called the "Groom" and the church is called the "Bride." The church is also called the "Body" and Christ is called the "Head." The Apostle Paul takes this word picture of the body and uses one anthropological word to help us gain where we need to be to grow in Christ... the HEART. Come Sunday and learn why the heart is not only the center-point of our physical survival but for our spiritual survival as well!

Fill in the Blank

April 28, 2024 • Travis Allen

Most people understand the importance of monitoring the physical condition of their http://heart.jesus taught that the spiritual and emotional condition of the heart is what’s most important in this life. Your heart is the control center. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” The goal of a follower of Jesus should be to allow our hearts to break for the things that break God’s heart. When you are faced with another person in a tough situation or in desperate need, how does your heart respond? Do you feel_____?

Now or Later

April 21, 2024 • Ethan Mitchell

Monitoring the physical condition of our hearts is important, but what about the spiritual condition of our hearts? As it turns out, both the physical and emotional health of our hearts have a common adversary— our appetites. Only two words exist in the language of appetites: MORE and NOW, especially when it comes to how we view money and possessions. Jesus has a different perspective. He encourages us not to store up our treasures on earth, but instead to store our treasures in heaven. There is a very real battle between what we want now and what we want most, and we have a choice to make—will our hearts be set on NOW or LATER?

How to Help a Hard Heart

April 14, 2024 • Jesse Champers

All of us get stuck with how we think, feel and respond to circumstances and people. In when the Bible gives us answers regarding patience, kindness and attitude the word for "encouragement" means towards circumstances and people! The epicenter for guarding your heart from getting jaded, cynical and pessimistic is to know the steps God gives us to soften our heart when it becomes hard. Listen in this week as Jess gives some amazing truths about how you may soften your heart and enjoy life more!!