
Dear Church | Week One

September 17, 2023 • Pastor Steve Andres

Week One Conversation Starters

Remember, discipleship is a series of conversations. Take time to discuss the questions below with a friend or in a group. The goal isn’t to answer all the questions, just to talk through the topic and process your thoughts and reactions.

1. Do you have any initial reactions to the video?

2. What are three or four defining moments in your story? How have they shaped your sense of who you are?

3. The message of the cross (the story of how Jesus suffered and died for sinners) seems like foolishness to some. Have you ever encountered skepticism or hostility regarding faith in Jesus? How did you respond?

4. The cross gives us both a high and low view of ourselves. Have there been times you have realized “you are more sinful than you dare admit”? Have there been times when you were reminded “you are more loved than you dare hope”? Talk about one of those moments.

5. How can we faithfully live out the message of the cross at home, school, work and with friends?

6. How does your family or community impact the way you see yourself? Does this ever conflict with what God says about you?