
What Is Heaven?

September 11, 2022

Picture your best vacation or the best birthday party you’ve ever been to and then multiply that level of fun by a billion! That’s how much better Heaven will be than even your best day ever. The Bible says that Heaven will be a beautiful place full of color, happiness and fun. And, it’s the place where we’ll actually be in the presence of God! It will be a perfect place where there will be no more sadness, pain, disappointment, upset stomachs or broken arms. It’s the place we all want to end up when we die. But, there is a catch and it’s really important to remember. Heaven is reserved for those who have put their faith in Jesus. That means you tell Jesus that you’re sorry for your sins and you put your trust in what Jesus did for you when he died on the cross for your sins. It’s that easy! So if you haven’t done that yet, do it today! Heaven will be awesome and you don’t want to miss out on it!

Heaven is a lot different than earth.
Heaven is better than the best birthday party you’ve ever been to.
In Heaven, we get to be with Jesus forever.
There’s only one way to get to Heaven.

1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
2. Describe your best day ever. (Where you’ll be, what you’re doing, who you’re with and what you’ll eat).
3. How is heaven different from living on earth?
4. What do we have to do to get to heaven?
5. Read Revelation 21:3-4. Who do we get to live with in heaven? Describe what you think heaven will be like?
6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?