
It's Time to Make Good Decisions | July 2023 | Pastor Devin Gough

July 16, 2023 • Pastor Devin Gough • Romans 12:10, Matthew 6:33, Genesis 13

This Sunday Pastor Devin Gough encouraged us that NOW is the time to make better decisions. We can do so by learning how to overcome instant gratification. Here are some other ways to help us make good decisions:

1) Live for others, not for self.

Once we begin putting God first, we also become familiar with honoring one another. We need to open our eyes and our hearts to not look at our own interests, but rather the interests of others.

Romans 12:10

Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another.

2) Live by faith, not by sight.

Everything is in the hands of the Lord! We can begin making good decisions by meeting God at the altar. How often do you trust God's plan over your own?

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.

3) Let God choose for you.

We read in Genesis 13 that Abraham let God choose for him! God then allowed Abraham's descendants to be spread throughout the earth.

Abraham gave thanks to God and lifted his heart to God. We should never leave our house without the presence of God!