
Team World Vision | Heart & Soul | Steve Spear

April 30, 2023 • Steve Spear, Guest Speaker • Luke 8:24–25

Why are we afraid when Jesus is with us? This weekend we continued our HEART & SOUL series as special guest Steve Spear shared about running for clean drinking water in Africa.

Luke 8:24-25

He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.

After resigning from his job and selling their business, Steve Spear and his wife set out on a journey to raise millions of dollars to provide clean water for the most vulnerable in nations around the world. At each turning point and step in his journey, he had to ask himself a simple question:

Other than fear, what is holding me back from doing what God is calling me to do?

Jesus leads us on a journey and invites us to follow. When his disciples set out on the boat, Jesus knew what was ahead, but they had to depend on him to get there. There are a few things that the disciples learned on this journey. 

Jesus calms storms.

Jesus is with us.

Jesus heals and transforms.

But all of these truths and experiences turn on one important point:

We never know what’s on the other side until we go. 

Choosing to follow Jesus in faith means we do things we never thought we could do!

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