
I'm Going Fishing | Labor Day 2023 | Pastor Joaquin Pardo

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Joaquin Pardo • John 21:3, Luke 5:4, Luke 5:10

Have you ever been tempted to go back to your old ways? This weekend, Pastor Joaquin reminded us that when we do, Jesus goes back after us! 

John 21:3

Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

Peter had just spent the last three years witnessing Jesus' miracles, and, most importantly, witnessing an empty tomb. Peter saying, "I am going fishing" declared that he was going back to his old life. In Peter’s lowest moment, he had denied Jesus three times and he was holding on to that shame and guilt. 

1) Discipleship encourages you to go deeper and try again.

When Peter met Jesus for the first time he was getting ready to call it quits. He fished all night and caught nothing! Then he heard Jesus say, 

Luke 5:4

"Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”

After this, two boats were filled with so many fish that they began to sink! We are quick to wash our nets and call it quits when we don't see the results we are expecting. Jesus is saying, "You're giving up too soon! Go deeper, still!"

2) Discipleship reminds you to not be afraid.

The first time Jesus met Peter, Peter knew he was unworthy to be in His presence. Peter said, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man…”

But instead of addressing Peter's sin, Jesus addresses his fear and gives him a new call. 

Luke 5:10

“…Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”

As fishers of men, we don't show people the door, we show them a new way!

3) Discipleship means you keep showing up!

It didn't matter that Peter denied Jesus, or that he had made the decision to go back to his old life. Jesus still showed up. Jesus was on the shore and called out to him again. He didn't just give Peter a new call, he showed him what fishing for men looks like by not giving up on him.

We don't give up on people because Jesus doesn't give up on us!