
The Mess and the Messenger | Someday at Christmas | Pastor Steve Andres

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Steve Andres • Luke 2:17–18

A people in darkness have seen a great light! We thank God for you, and we hope you were blessed by this season’s amazing worship and celebration! On Sunday, Pastor Steve Andres concluded our SOMEDAY AT CHRISTMAS series with a message about the shepherds at Christmas.

Luke 2:17-18

When the shepherds had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

The shepherds were unlikely draft picks to be the first messengers of the Good News of Christ’s birth. What can their story teach us about God’s plan for us?

1) You can’t have a messenger without a YES.

It is not our job to do amazing things for God, it is GOD’s job to do amazing things for God. God will use the least likely who is most willing to say YES.

2) You can’t have a messenger without a MESS.

Christians aren’t perfect people, they are forgiven people. The shepherds were not dressed in their Christmas best, but they were willing to trust God’s magnanimous love for them. We are all a mess when God calls us!

3) You can’t have a messenger without a MESSAGE.

The message that the shepherds were sharing was that a Savior was BORN, not elected or appointed. His birth was exactly what we needed, rescue from our sin. This little baby who was born in weakness and humility would be strong enough to defeat death and rule in glory!