
Walking on Water is Hard | Believe | Pastor Joaquin Pardo

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Joaquin Pardo • Matthew 14:31, Matthew 14:28–30

This weekend Pastor Joaquin concluded our BELIEVE series with a message about how fear gets in the way of our faith. 

1) Faith knows all things are possible with God.

To be a person of faith you need a powerful person, and that powerful person is not YOU! We can't look to ourselves to achieve all that God has in store for us. Only with Jesus can we see the impossible become reality. 

2) Faith is not occasional obedience, it's ultimate surrender.

What separates a follower of Jesus and someone who just likes the idea of Jesus is that a follower of Jesus will submit to Jesus' desires instead of just taking his desires into consideration. 

3) Faith and fear cannot coexist. 

Fear distorts the way we see Jesus' work in our lives and will never allow us to see the GOOD that God is doing in our situation. Remember that perfect love casts out all fear. Trust that Jesus loves you. 

4) Faith empowers us to step out of the boat.

If Peter had never stepped out of the boat he would have never experienced the miracle of walking on water. We can't let our fear get in the way of our obedience. Instead, we must set it aside so we can experience all that God has in store for us. 

5) Little faith reminds us we need saving, while faith without doubt assures us we are safe. Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

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