
The Promise Is Closer Than You Think | DAVID | Pastor Steve Andres

August 18, 2024 • Pastor Steve Andres • 1 Samuel 30:3–4, Jeremiah 1:12

This weekend Pastor Steve Andres continued our DAVID series with a message about holding on to God’s promises!

1 Samuel 30:3-4

When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive. So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.

After decades of waiting on God’s promise, David seems further away from its fulfillment than ever. How do we stay steady when we can’t see God moving?

1) God’s plan is not about efficiency. It’s about fruitfulness.

More Psalms were written in the wilderness than any other setting. Sometimes God’s plan is to take us the long way so that we can be more fruitful.

We handle OBEDIENCE. God handles OUTCOMES.

When we can’t see the destination, we still have a way that God has called us to walk. Trust that His way is best!

2) Steward what God provides. Hope for all he promised.

David took care of the families that he led, fighting to rescue them. But he continued to look for God’s promise of the throne of Israel.

3) Don’t give up. The promise is closer than you think.

The enemy of our souls will whisper in our ears that God has forgotten his promise. Don’t believe it. The enemy doesn’t win if you get discouraged or hurt or heartbroken. He only wins if you quit. God will do everything he said he will do.

Jeremiah 1:12

I watch over my word that I should perform it.

Three days after David rescues the families that had been taken captive, the crown is delivered to him and God’s word from many years earlier is realized. If David had quit, he would never have seen the promise!

Jesus faced his darkest moment on the cross, when it seemed that all hope was lost. But it was precisely at that moment when he was closer than ever to the fulfillment of his mission to bring forgiveness and life. Don’t give up!

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