
December 5

December 5, 2023

People who are incredibly talented or beautiful evoke deeply ambivalent feelings in us. On the one hand we are drawn to them, but on the other hand, they make us feel inadequate in comparison to them. How much more would this be the case in the presence of infinite beauty and power and love? Everywhere in the Bible where people get near to God, it is traumatic. When Job sees God, he says, “I have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you and I am undone.” Moses hides his face. Isaiah falls to the ground and says “Woe is me!” John tells us that when Jesus came to us, we were seeing the glory of God. That’s why when Peter first met Jesus he fell at his feet and said, “Go away from me, I am a sinner.” He saw the glory of God in Christ, and it was traumatic. But watch! Jesus responded tenderly to Peter, inviting Peter to follow him. The same Jesus who made Peter realize his wickedness, invited him to walk in relationship and purpose, and the world was never the same!

Matthew 4:19 “‘Come, follow Me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’”