
New Day, New Way | Til Kingdom Come | Pastor Steve Andres

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Steve Andres • Mark 2:21–22

Jesus came to call sinners, not perfect people! This weekend Pastor Steve continued our series, TIL KINGDOM COME, with a message about the NEW WAY of the kingdom of God.

Mark 2:21-22

“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results.”

Jesus’ ministry began with his announcement of the arrival of the kingdom of God. What did his teaching tell us about it?

1) Its originality.

The old religious narrative of self-rescue is not new at all. Christianity is original because it not only acknowledges that we are broken, it begins with that fact.

2) Its exclusivity.

Being 85% faithful is not faithfulness. The kingdom of God is an all-in proposition. Jesus is either Lord of all, or he isn’t Lord at all.

3) Its incompatibility.

This NEW WAY is incompatible with the old. The gift of NEW LIFE through Jesus means learning a NEW WAY of honoring God. 

We are not mistake-makers in need of correction, we are sinners in need of a Savior.

Sin is not something we can be coached out of, it is something we are rescued from. Thank God today for rescuing us by sending his Son!