
Run It Back | Take Care Of Your Money

February 10, 2024 • Pastor Steve Andres

This Spring Season as a church, we're working through our Group's content, Run It Back. This is a deeper dive into our Sunday morning sermon series. Press play, share with a friend, and use the questions below as a conversation starter. Let's run it back!

1. What are your initial thoughts after watching the video? What stood out to you?

2. How is money a means of life? What is the difference between that and making money the meaning of life?

3. "Stewardship is telling your money, where to go instead of wondering where it went." Have you experienced either of these two extremes?

4. Is there a time when you have observed that a greater sacrifice yields a greater harvest? Is there a balance to strike between saving and sacrifice?

5. How openhanded would you say you are? What experiences have made you more or less so?