
The Order of Grace | Face to Face | Pastor Steve Andres

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Steve Andres • Luke 19:5–6

Do you know the order of grace? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres continued our FACE TO FACE series with a message about the generous love of God.

Luke 19:5-6

When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.

Zacshaeus was a man who has become famous for his short stature. What can we learn from his unexpected face to face meeting with Jesus?

1) Be willing to climb a tree.

Tree-climbing is for children, but not for respectable adults. That Zacchaeus was willing to appear foolish to see Jesus meant that he was humble enough to receive the kingdom of God.

2) Get over the crowd.

Other people can be mean and hypocritical, but in order to see Jesus you have to be willing to look past them. Extend to others the same patience and grace you extend to yourself.

3) Bring Jesus home.

Zacchaeus doesn’t invite Jesus over, Jesus invites himself. Pay attention to the order of grace. The love of Jesus is not the payment for our efforts. The love of Jesus is what produces a deep change in our lives!

How do we know that Jesus loves us? Because when we were lost, he climbed a tree for us, choosing the foolishness of the cross so we could have a place at his table!

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