
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept Him

Matthew 28:18-20

February 28, 2021 • David Horner

Jesus' charge to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 is often called "the Great Commission". In this message, Pastor David Horner examines the Great Commission and how it applies to our lives.

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Enter Into The Empty Tomb

April 4, 2021 • Doug Horner

Peter, Mary, and John were changed when they saw the empty tomb. And we can be too. Pastor Doug Horner shares a message about the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday 2021.

What God Understands

March 28, 2021 • Doug Horner

On this Palm Sunday, Doug Horner talks about Jesus' crucifixion and what it reveals about God and us.

Experiencing Jesus

March 21, 2021 • David Horner

In Mark 5, Jesus was met by a woman who had had an issue with blood for 12 years. Her interaction with Jesus changed her life, while thousands in the crowd that witnessed walked away unchanged. In this message, Pastor David Horner talks about how you can truly experience Jesus in your life.