
July 28, 2022

Adult Children| Necessary Endings| Physical Abuse| Dating| Pornography| Getting Unstuck| Dru

July 28, 2022

Caller Questions:

1. My 37yo daughter is very condescending; how do I talk with her without fighting?

2. How do I know when to cut ties with family? We called the cops on my drunk dad when he hit my 17yo sister.

3. My 19yo son broke up with his girlfriend because his feelings changed when he stopped watching porn; did a chemical reaction cause his feelings to change?

4. I get overwhelmed easily and have a hard time focusing.

5. My 30yo daughter is in a drug addiction treatment center and lost custody of her two children; how can I be encouraging and not reactionary?

April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions: 1. My adult kids set boundaries with me and aren't willing to sit down and talk about it; any suggestions?  2. How do I encourage my unfaithful husband to go to counseling?  3. My son and his wife cut themselves off from us 4yrs ago but recently asked us to give them money to help them move back. Should we pay for it?  4. I’m tired of helping my 40yo addict son who is in and out of prison; is it OK to let go?  5. I’m 63yo; how do I begin the journey to stand up for myself and stop being a people pleaser? 

April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions: 1. Is Malachi the right Scripture for tithing? I have trust issues.  2. Does the whole world have problems like I hear on New Life Live, or is it just the USA?  3. I feel hopeless to lose weight; how do I stop my eating cycle?  4. How do I concentrate on my life in Christ when there are so many distractions in the world?

April 17, 2024

April 17, 2024 • Chris Williams, Becky Brown, Jacqui Mack-Harris

Caller Questions: 1. How do I resolve my issues with anger? I hold things in and have verbally lashed out, broken things, and screamed.  2. What do I do if my 19yo bonus daughter has had a battle with drug-laced marijuana, and my husband and his mom think the problem is going to magically disappear?  3. My estranged brother wrote a horrible letter to me after we lost our only son; where do I go from here?  4. My avoider husband says he wants to work on our marriage, but he gets defensive; do I have a wall up or is it him?