
February 19, 2018

Topics: Church Life, Parenting, Pornography, Lying

Caller Questions: 1. Is it biblical for our bus ministry to stop bringing three unruly kids to our youth group? 2. How do I keep from going back to watching lesbian porn? 3. How do I deal with my wife’s over-protection of our son? 4, Where do you draw the line between porn and TV shows that have sex and nudity? 5. How can the parents of my 9yo grandson stop his lying?

April 23, 2024

April 23, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West

Caller Questions: 1. My four adult children no longer talk to me after I bashed their mom; how can I let my ex-wife know I've forgiven her since our divorce was 30yrs ago?  2.How can I get beyond my family who turned my daughter against me as she was dying from cancer?  3.I filed for a divorce from my husband who may have borderline and Alzheimer’s and was physically abusive to me; is asking him to go through anger management the best first step? 

April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions: 1. What kind of help do I need for brain trauma from football and bipolar disorder?  2. How do we help our 11yo granddaughter who is struggling after her mom's surgeries and extended hospital stay?  3. What boundaries can I put in place for my husband who is in contact with his ex-girlfriend?  4. Was it a mistake to share my end of life intentions with my friend? Her demeanor changed.  5. How do I manage my adult daughters not getting along during a family outing? 

April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions: 1. My adult kids set boundaries with me and aren't willing to sit down and talk about it; any suggestions?  2. How do I encourage my unfaithful husband to go to counseling?  3. My son and his wife cut themselves off from us 4yrs ago but recently asked us to give them money to help them move back. Should we pay for it?  4. I’m tired of helping my 40yo addict son who is in and out of prison; is it OK to let go?  5. I’m 63yo; how do I begin the journey to stand up for myself and stop being a people pleaser?