
September 25, 2024

Reactions, Comparisons, Childhood Trauma, Passive-aggressive, Drug Addiction, Adult Children, Siblin

September 25, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Laura Mangin-McDonald

Caller Questions:

1. Dr. Sheri Keffer shares her parable on how a pot of boiling water can describe what's happening in a relationship. 

2. There are so many comparisons for couples out there on social media; how can we have healthy conversations with our spouse and not hurtful? 

3. My husband can't follow through on things he agreed to do; should he be digging deeper into a childhood trauma? 

4. Thank you for the advice you gave my husband and I to practice tough love with my heroin-addicted daughter who is now sober! 

5. My siblings have been distant until one brother died. Any advice after I blew up at my sister and brother for pressing me about our brother's estate?