
Jesus Went

God could have saved the world any way He chose…but He chose to come for us in person, to show us just what He is like.

Series Introduction

When we look at the events surrounding Jesus, one thing is very clear…God genuinely cares about all people. That means everybody, not just the ‘good’ ones. Jesus was sent to earth with a very specific plan of action: to seek and save the lost. In this series, we’ll see how Jesus persisted, seeking out and relating to people in a wide array of life-circumstances and offering something they desperately need. As we go, we’ll also discover how He sees us and how he wants us to see others.

Jesus Went to the Wealthy and Connected

March 17, 2019 • Rusty Coram

Our lives are full of first-world problems, and the terms people use to describe our American culture aren’t always positive. Words like arrogant, entitled, and self-centered are just an example. We might react poorly when our designer coffee isn’t made correctly, but Jesus sees the true condition of our hearts. While He neither caters to us nor denounces us, He meets us where we are with compassion.

Jesus Went to the Lonely and Disconnected

March 24, 2019 • Rusty Coram

We don’t have to physically be alone to feel isolated. Many have mastered the art of hiding in plain sight. It’s easy because we can use things like social media to portray our lives as perfect. Our inability to measure up to the fantasy can leave us feeling empty and worthless. Jesus shows us we are all valued in God’s eyes.

Jesus Went to the Suffering

March 31, 2019 • Becky Coram

Jesus Went to the Ethically Challenged

April 7, 2019 • Rusty Coram

The Bible tells us all sin is judged equally. If that’s true, why is it easier for us to forgive some people more than others? And why is it so hard for us to do the right thing at times? Jesus was criticized for hanging out with some notorious “sinners,” but the fact is, many were open to Him in ways the “non-sinners” weren’t.

Jesus Went to the Politically Powerful

April 14, 2019 • Rusty Coram

Most of us have felt some level of political dissatisfaction at some point in our lives. It can be so frustrating when we don’t feel heard, or worse, when political power is abused. Jesus didn’t work to overthrow the government or establish a new one. He spoke truth to the powerful even as they ignored justice.

Jesus Still Reaches out to People Like You and Me

April 21, 2019 • Rusty Coram

Jesus was proactive in His ministry. He never stopped reaching out to people or encouraging His followers to reach out to people – ALL people. Even after His final day that ended on the cross, He continued to encourage, instruct and pursue us. That is as true today as it was over 2000 years ago. He sees you right where you are and wants to meet you there. And He asks us to view others through those same eyes.