
Baptism & Open Mic

November 27, 2022 • Rusty Coram

This Thanksgiving weekend, we'll celebrate two traditions in our church life. The first is baptism, where we support and encourage those ready to declare that Jesus is their Savior and leader. Second is our "open mic" time, when we express gratitude for God's work over the past year. Our stories show how thankful we are and inspire others to trust and cling to God, too. This is the perfect way to enter the Christmas season! 

Baptism & Open Mic

November 26, 2023 • Rusty Coram

The weekend after Thanksgiving carries a significant tradition at New Hope. We dedicate our Sunday services to honor and remember God’s goodness in two ways. First, we get to witness how God has worked in people’s lives as they make a public profession of their faith through baptism. Next, we have an open mic time. Anyone who wants to can express thanks to God for how He has shown His goodness to them during the past year. This service gives us an inspiring reminder of how God is actively working among us.