Foster Closet - August 17th

August 17th

August 17, 2024
10:00am - 1:00pm

We as a church are seeking to serve our local foster community by helping meet basic needs. We understand that due to the disruptive process of being removed from their home, foster children oftentimes do not have the essentials they need when they arrive for placement. Many times it’s up to the foster families to frantically acquire basic essentials such as clothing and personal care items for the child.

Therefore The Nett Church Foster Closet at our Bethesda Campus supplies foster families with clothing for infants, children, and teens placed in their care.

We will be hosting an Open Closet event for foster families on Saturday, August 17th. We will be doing an Open Closet once a month to provide foster parents with gently used clothing for any children under their care.

In the registration please write the gender and age of each child under your care so we can best prepare.

On the day of the event you are able to come any time between 10am - 1pm.

If you have any questions please reach out to Pastor Woo.